Prologue to Genesis 1

by  George Shivjee

In the beginning of time, there was nothing but a small area of extreme heat. Slowly, the heat grew bigger, and larger, until it was the size of a black hole. The heat was so strong, powerful, and energised it managed to create a massive, sentient star. We now know this powerful being as god. 

It thought a lot, and as it was just a giant ball of heat, the more it thought, the more heat was expelled randomly from its thought, and the heat created a large dome around it, the universe, as we now know it. By the time it had finished thinking, there were planets, stars, galaxies, but most importantly, life. 

Life was on a dull rock, now we know it as earth. God thought about this life, and soon realised that if this life continued to evolve on its own, it would lead to not just the end of Earth and its sun, but even the whole universe itself. So, he concentrated his heat, creating extreme kinetic energy, causing God to collide with Earth. This split Earth into two alternate dimensions, Heaven and Hell. The good in his consciousness was in heaven, and was focused on making life on Earth not become sinful. The bad went to hell, creating and using sin to manipulate. The heat was so extreme in hell, fires raged.
