Creative Writing: Stillness and Movement

Emma Burns: Here are some snippets from Creative Writing Club which has been running all year. The group wrote radio scripts, poetry and prose, were inspired by music and visits to the sea, and generally had a very creative time! Here is some wonderful work from: Navi Kamalendrarajah, Thinukshan Kodithuwakku Daniel Lynes-Gomez, Lavakushan Madanlal and Daisy Riddle.


There can be something beautiful in death. Though it IS painful for those left behind. In the dark. With no one to turn to. Our hearts fill with sadness and grief and pain. With no chance to say goodbye.

The Sea

We crawled out of the sea.

We will fall back in.

The sea is a mother.
The sea is a grave-keeper.

Does it mourn us?
Is its water tears?

It raises empires.

It births them

We forsook it

Left it for mother earth

Does it love us 

Does it care for us?


The cold blade of my knife

Found solitude amongst the flesh

Crimson liquid rushed out to greet me

What a warm welcome!


The rapid winds blow

The scattered winds are depressed

The woeful clouds cry

A statue

Standing with power

A solid structure

Walking through time, still.
