I am a glacier
Alone and solitary
Slowly fading
My rugged terrain is stark in the snow
I’m pummelled by falling ice
The sky's the shade of ash
The wind bites at my sturdy peaks
My mounts scrape the heavens
I am a glacier
Alone and solitary
Slowly fading
I feel guilt when I strand lone animals
I break slowly down
I feel remorse, alone
I break slowly down
I feel forgotten watching the seas of white
I break slowly down
I am a glacier
Alone and solitary
Slowly fading
We will all die
There's no stopping us
It's your fault
Or your redemption
Iris Haigh
Glaciated Landscapes
Ice as blue as a sparkling sapphire
Crevasses as deep
as despair
Snow as white as
fluffy clouds fluttering flamboyantly across the sky
Icebergs carving off
the sharp dangerous edges
Extreme chilling
winds stabbing you like daggers
Monty Palmer
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