Poem: State of Nature

 by Phoebe Clark

(photo by Kirby S, Unsplash)

Imagine nature, 

Not now - before,



Not yours or ours or theirs.

Create the natural world

In your mind. 

Before it was diced into squares for each of us to grab.

Revel in it while you can,

Imagine the power of the wind that the 

Dove flies upon, 

Lilies blooming exuberantly under 

A sun of golden rays.

But, you’re here,

You can’t go there.

You’re trapped in a monopoly house 

Close enough to the railway line you can see your end

Breathe in that black mist that hangs in the air 

Waiting to give you cancer 

When you stay for long enough like you have a choice

The muffled screams that keep 

You up at night 

From behind a paper wall

Trying to feel something worth living for.

Pin-point where we went wrong, where they went wrong. 

That’s right

Cast the blame darling

Shelter yourself

With four walls of concrete,

See the sun through thick glass?

Have you decided yet?

Perhaps the last generation, or the one before them,

Who do you think they would condemn. 

You’re turning your back so they can too.

Imagine pure nature, maybe the last time was before the fall.

Resort to romanticising, 

Clearly, there is no happiness here.

See Phoebe Clark's article, 'Song of the Earth' here.
