Rivers: Imagination and Mindfulness

This week, Niki King's Mindfulness session, '
Leaves on a Stream', encourages us to shift from looking FROM out thoughts to looking AT our thoughts:

Meanwhile, Bryony Hart's fantastic 'River' exercise led to some creative responses: 

Kate Rees' artistic evocation of a river from childhood memory:

Emma Burns' lyrical, multi-layered meditation: 

The Imprint of Water 

I followed the river

older than I was when I was here before 

I was there and not there

within and without

gazing through a liminal gauze

which stopped me 

pushing through my arms

to the girl in the river

-balancing on round, cool stones

smiling delightedly at the dragonflies-

pushing through my arms to tell her 

‘stay there, stay here’

and they were there too 

my ghosts made flesh

younger than me

a hand held, a kiss murmuringly given alongside

the murmuring river

their hands my hands, the land their land, my land,

the river moving 

to the sea

my bones and my blood

reaching towards me 

and then gone

endlessly gone to the sea

Bryony Hart's representation of a sinuous river in a bucolic setting:
