The Nancy Rothwell Award: What You Need to Know

 by Pippa Hardisty and Lucy Williams

Winner, age 17, Shivani Dawson

Winner, age 10, Ji Yoon Park

 Take a look at previous Award winners here.

Brief: drawings of a specimen/specimens, showing creativity and combining Art and Science.

Deadline: Monday, 22nd February (straight after half term).

Prizes: small prize supplied to the winner of each category at PGS. All entries will be entered for the external competition. Winners of the external Nancy Rothwell Award receive £25. 

Categories: There are two age categories: 12-14 and 15-18.

Competition launch: Monday, 18th January at 13.00 for 20 minutes max. Google Meet Link below:

Join our Classroom:

Who to contact: Miss Hardisty (Biology) or Mrs Williams (Art). 
