The Ultimate Weapon to Combat Coronavirus

 by Kavin Kajendran

As you know there has been a global pandemic called Coronavirus or Covid-19; for 10 months now, we have been trying so hard to fight off the virus but we have had no luck. I still remember in March when my friends and I had to part because the UK was in a national lockdown. These months have been difficult, especially when we, as children, were unable to have in-person education at some parts of this year and we had to do remote learning.  

Well, that's all going to change after Christmas, because we have now got a vaccine to fend off the dreadful pandemic. Once this news came to everyone, smiles grew on people's faces especially my family, as we knew that this would be over [one day].

Did you know that the UK is the first country that is going to have the vaccine, which is great and will be coming at the start of 2021.

And eventually stop Covid-19 once and for all.  :]
