Sebastian Sharpe reflects on a Sharpe family Christmas:
I love Christmas. There is just something about the atmosphere that speaks to me. The rain, the
fires, the food, the drink and the people. I come from a very family oriented family and as such
Christmas is a key time for us all in the Sharpe household. Endless phone calls and countless
cards. My birthday is on January 1st and this year I will be 18, as such, I am looking forward to
this Christmas break as I will be able to celebrate in a more fulfilled manner. On a more boring
note, Year 13 have their mock exams as soon as we return to school. This means revision,
which I hate. However, I would rather do it now in the wet, cold winter with the Highlights of
Christmas and my birthday rather than missing out on summer fun.
Phoebe Clark and Alexandra Dempster share some seasonal photographs:
Hooded Figure by Phoebe Clark |
Snow in Central Park by Phoebe Clark |
Skyscraper by Alexandra Dempster |
Over Santa's Shoulder by Alexandra Dempster |
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