My Homework and Study Guide

 by Eva Burkinshaw

Information comes from Ruby Granger, youtube channel.

In this article I will talk about some of the best ways to study and do homework:

In this I have included sections on:

1. How NOT to procrastinate

2. Homework tips

3. How to enjoy the process of homework 

4. How to be productive

5. Your desk space

1.  How to stop procrastinating:

What is procrastinating?:  

Procrastination is when you put off tasks that you need to get done that you don’t want to do.

Here are examples of things you do to avoid the important tasks are:

* Reading a book that you want to read 

* Tidying your room

* Spending time with your family 

* Going on your phone

Because this seems easier than doing the task that you need to do. 

To help overcome this you need to give yourself no choice. 

So you need to ELIMINATE the easier option. 

Tips for this: 

Plan a timetable- it reduces the amount of resistance that you have to tasks

* If something is scheduled into your day- you are more likely to complete it. 

* Write a to-do list- then transfer this into a timetable.

I have found that if I give myself a set amount of time to complete the task then I am more likely to do it in the set time as you force yourself to work productively. 

~Parkinson’s law~: “A task will elongate to fill the length of time provided”

Identifying distractions:

Distractions are the core reason why we procrastinate- so if we eliminate distractions then we start to eliminate procrastination.

Tips that help:

* Keep everything you could possibly need e.g: water, snacks, notebooks etc.

* Over the next week, while you are doing homework or revising, make a note of everything that distracts you. 

For example: When I work, if my phone is buzzing and I am getting notifications or I am working in a messy space then I tidy it or I check the notifications- which is me procrastinating  and so to stop this happening I tidy my room beforehand and I also switch my phone off and leave it under my bed in a drawer or somewhere where I can not get to it easily and so it prevents me from going to check it. 

I also find that when I am working I always get random thoughts of things I need to do so I now keep a piece of paper next to me so that I can jot down things that I need to do so I don’t forget. 

Where do I start?:

  • Start with something that you are looking forward to doing. 

  • Do the things that you need to do for the next day first.

  • After doing something that is an easy task then do a hard task and then alternate between them.

  • “Success leads to motivation, leads to success leads to more motivation”

  • Break up your tasks into smaller tasks- as it makes things easier. 

2. Homework Tips

Make a home work spreadsheet/ timetable:

  • Write to do lists

  • Write how long you will typically spend on a task like this or how long you THINK it will take you.

  • Try and do all of your homework on the night you get it or the next morning. 

Save projects for the weekends:

  • Concentrate on smaller homework assignments during the weekdays 

  • Write down all the equipment you will need for the project and try and buy or order it.

  • Section the project down into sub-sections (many smaller tasks)

Don’t have relaxation breaks until all of your work has been completed (within reason):

  • Have in between school and homework.

  • Try and use a computer, and not your phone as you may be tempted to check things on it. 

  • Start your homework at the same time each night. 

Keeping up with where your homework is:

  • Have one folder at home for pieces of work that need to be completed.

  • Have one folder at home for pieces of work that have been completed.

  • If you don’t have a written worksheet, and a digital one instead, then try and keep it in your google drive area. 

  • Every time you get an assignment then write it down in your planner as well as writing when it is due in.


  • Prioritise homework due the next day.


  • Write down when all homework is due. 

If you are struggling then leave homework for the next day.:

  • Ask your teacher or email them if you don’t know what to do

  • Ask your teacher the next day - if you can

  • Do other things that night

  • Do something that pleases you

3.  How to make studying fun/ and how to stay focused :

Feel cosy:

  • When you are able to, study facing a window or outside area. 

  • Have nice stationary to motivate and please you.

  • Light candles, scented diffusers to make the place that you are studying look and smell nice. 

  • Have blankets over your lap and a lovely hot drink next to you.

Find Music- or podcasts

  • Only stay listening to music that you like and that motivates you. 

  • Listen to podcasts that are on topic.

  • Try movie soundtracks for low-focus tasks. 


  • Success leads to motivation leads to success leads to more motivation. 

  • Small successes- to do lists on simple things.

  • Be realistic - don’t be TOO ambitious

  • Timetable/ helps avoid procrastination


  • You can’t study for long amounts of time without feeling relaxed.

  • Switch between activities 

  • Don’t think about the future while studying - think about this task, right here, right now. 

Study spaces:

  • Try and avoid distractions

  • Facing away from a room. 

  • Make sure you feel productive there

  • Have separate places for relaxation and work. 

  • Try and keep only essentials on your desk while working 

  • Minimal desk space. 

Write down your goals for each session:

  • What do you want to achieve

  • How, step by step, you will achieve it. 

  • Split your tasks into smaller tasks.

Turn off your phone:

  • Keep it off of your desk 

  • Have a designated spot for your phone.  

Study breaks:

  • 45 mins of work 

  • 15 mins break

  • Get away from your desk during your desk during your break 

  • Go outside for your breaks. 

If you set limits for activities it is easier to stop.

Practice mindfulness- as it is easier to become more aware of your thoughts (so you do not get stressed when you study). 


Write stressful thoughts down on a piece of paper and put them away for later.

4. Productivity:

Boosting motivation: 

If you properly get ready each day it introduces the fact of, when you treat the day like it is worth something, it becomes something. Because if you wear a really nice outfit  or do your hair then it taps into your memory on being motivated and productive.

Watch live study with me because I find that it prompts me as there is a real time person alongside you and it works as it does in a library as if there is someone ‘working with you’ then they hold you accountable - as you think - I should be doing that too. 

Wake up early as it affects your day upright and you are easily more productive and it also lets you get your big tasks over with first thing.

Read books that motivate you, maybe have a favourite passage from a book or film that motivates you.

Finding structure:

Plan a morning and night routine.

Be specific with morning and night routines, plan them really well.

  • Morning sets you up for a good day

  • Night routine sets you up for a good morning 

  • Leaves you more productive 

  • Good night leads to a good morning leads to a good day. 

Daily routine:

For a daily routine you need more of a rough idea and you could bullet journal about what you want your week to look like. It is also a lot easier to get on with things. 

Weekly routine:

For your weekly routine it needs to me even more rough and only include key elements and specific things. 

Preventing boredom:     

Write a list of things that you can do when you are bored but only do it when you are not bored.

                                                             Study spaces:

  •  Keep your desk uncluttered

  • Keep visually pleasing things in front of you. 

  • Have everything you could possibly need in front of you. 

  • Try and change around locations

  • Have photos of friends and family that you can't see right now on your desk. 


Have 4 different playlists:

  1.  Feel good playlist - this should include your  favourite songs and be for low focus tasks. 

  2. Movie soundtrack playlist- favourite soundtracks/ most study

  3. Background noise playlist - rain noise  - this should be for high focus tasks. 

Other tips:

  • Eat healthy

  • Exercise regularly

  • Make sure that you drink water 

5. Study Spaces

Study spaces are a key part of working because it can be the key foundation for learning.

Key pointers:

The position and the lighting of the desk.

  • I find that it is really good to have natural lighting while doing my homework so put your desk, if possible, near a window as it is really nice having a view while working. 

  • Even if you have good natural light while working, you should still have a source of electric lighting as well as if you are studying at night this would be useful. 

Cleaning down your desk:

Imagine you, walking round school all day with your planner, pencil cases and folders; they come in contact with numerous surfaces and people. Wiping down your desk is a good idea because if you do your homework on it then it is also coming into contact with these people. 

On your desk:

Have different tiers have different things, for example, tier 1 could be all of the things you reach for every  half hour, tier 2 for things you reach for every 2-3 hours and tier 3 for things that you reach for once a week or once a month. 

Put a sign on your door so that your family doesn’t disturb you while you are working.

To enjoy studying you need to make your study space somewhere you enjoy being. You can do this by putting up flowers on your desk and photos on your wall, and also having a pillow on the back of your chair, blankets to drape over your legs and a place to put your cup of hot chocolate to make it cosy. 

Have EVERYTHING you could possibly need on your desk so that you do not get distracted.

You can also light candles to make the vibes in your room lovely and spray room spray. Scent memory is a real thing and although it may take a while but you can, over time become accustomed to a particular scent that you can associate with something. 

Open a window- let fresh air in, this really helps as fresh air can brighten your mood.

Plan your snacks ahead of time:

By doing this you can have a really nutritious snack and it can boost your energy for studying time.
