Our Healing Earth

by Esme Kelly

(source: Portsmouth Daily News)

Although Covid-19 has brought much sadness, anger and frustration to many people across the world, there is also a positive side to this virus and that is the changes it is having on the environment. 

Ever since the virus has begun air pollution all over the world has reduced especially in China where the emissions fell by 25% at the start of the year and coal use has been reduced by 40% due to people staying home. 

However, not only is the virus affecting the air but also the sea. Due to much less travel by ships, the marine wildlife have been able to regain habitat they a lost due to humans. For example, the once murky waters of Venice have become clear and habitable for fish, swans and other waterfowl. 

Animals around the world are now feeling comfortable to venture around towns and cities where they would normally not go near. In Wales, a town has observed a heard of goats adventuring all over the place. 

But beyond the short-term benefits that human quarantines have brought the animal kingdom, conservationists say the pandemic could be an opportunity to push for more environmental protections and create a safer world for animals.
