Writing Wizards: Recycling

Portsmouth Point editors have enjoyed working with Year 6's 'Writing Wizards', this term, who have written a series of articles that we are delighted to publish. This article is by Alice King.

First of all let's look at what materials you can recycle successfully. You can recycle:
wrapping paper (not if it has shiny bits on it though)
plastic bottles

What you can recycle, if they are clean and dry:

What you can’t recycle (please dispose of them safely):

After Christmas there is a lot of waste, much of this waste can actually be recycled. For example, wrapping paper, plastic bottles and glass. Did you know, you can also recycle some presents that you don’t really want.
A lot of wrapping paper is thrown in the bin at Christmas, although you can recycle most of it. You must not recycle wrapping paper if it has glitter on it. Try using the scrunch test - when you scrunch it you have to look for, whether it stays scrunched or not. If it stays scrunched you can recycle it.
People also drink drinks out of cans a lot at Christmas. Did you know that you can recycle cans too? Cans are metal which can be recycled. If you have any metal waste you can recycle it.
There is definitely a lot of food waste at christmas too. If you have a pet like a dog, you might want to give it to them. Some houses have food waste bins. If you don’t have one, give you food to a friend who has one.
After this wonderful holiday, there is a lot of rubbish, or is it rubbish? Have you ever tried upcycling? Upcycling is where you make something into something else. 


  1. This is a really great article - I really like the information in it and the way you have written it :)


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