Welcome to PGS Pride

by Jo Morgan

Since 2013, PGS Pride has been central to our school’s ethos and mission for every member of our community to be happy and successful, in that order. With 80% of pupils saying it would be easy to come out (compared with 47% in 2013), we have transformed the school into a place which truly and unambiguously celebrates difference.

On Friday, pupils gathered to hear about what the society has achieved so far and together, we established what we want to achieve in future.

Ms Smith helped pupils to understand the legacy of Section 28 and why being an ‘out teacher’ was so difficult in the past. She shared what PGS Pride has meant for her personally, telling pupils:

“Joining The Portsmouth Grammar School has been full of surprises, but none more unexpected than meeting my now wife at the school. The response from everyone-staff, pupils and parents- has been fantastic and so supportive…
Being in the kind of environment the school has provided, with its commitment to Pride, has enriched my working experience vastly in how open, secure, happy and comfortable I feel. And I hope that my experiences as an "out" member of staff have likewise contributed to the richness of our school community in some small way.”
(Lucy Smith, Head of Year 8/ teacher of Philosophy and Religious Studies).

PGS Pride is a movement of people dedicated to creating a better school and ultimately a better world for everyone.

A key focus for the society is going to be race and look out for the race takeover of Portsmouth Point coming in the Spring Term.
