The Devastating Results of Combined Sexism and Homophobia

by Miranda Gent

On May 30th, a gay couple were assaulted by a gang of male teenagers on a night bus in London for refusing to kiss for their ‘entertainment’.

I was particularly moved by this news as I feel as though this underlines the increasing issue of sexism and homophobia being combined. Indeed, it seems to me that the evident lack of respect for this couple stems from two factors; the fact that they are homosexual and the fact that they are female, which can be demonstrated in the details of the scene:

The four teenagers who led the attack, (it is yet to be confirmed if there were more involved or not) were all aged between 15 and 18; significantly younger than the women in their twenties who they were so insulting towards, before the beating as well as during. In fact, Geymonat, one of the victims, has told the police that, “They started behaving like hooligans, demanding that we kissed so they could enjoy watching, calling us ‘lesbians’ and describing sexual positions”. This highly inappropriate and disrespectful behaviour that the women suffered appears to be the result of a culture of men being attracted to homosexual women and their sexual activities, which has lead to the deeply disturbing beating of two women for refusing to ‘entertain’ a group of male teenagers with their sexuality.

This simply demonstrates the ongoing issue in today’s society of not only a persisting lack of respect for the homosexual community, but also of the unrelenting objectification and sexualisation of women that is still present in today’s society - despite the resolution of many to be ignorant to it.

In fact, described simply; this was the beating of two women for refusing to please teenagers in a sexual manner, which I personally find sickening.

Indeed, these tennagers seemed to be under the impression that they could “demand” favours from the women; that they were at their disposal, which, to me, significantly highlights the fact that our society has, to this day, a patriarchal and homophobic nature and structure that doesn’t particularly seem to be decreasing.

As shocking and horrific as this is, this incident can only be one of numerous of similar cases that are never reported, as Geymonat also said, “I’m tired of being treated as a sexual object, of finding out that these situations are usual, of gay friends who were beaten up just because”.

I can only hope that I’m not the only one who sympathises with Geymonat’s situation and feels her frustration and pain, and I sincerely hope that others are as outraged and distressed by this inhumane event as I am and will also strive to eliminate sexism and homophobia in their daily lives to avoid more devastating situations like this occurring.


  1. This is a horrific and tragic event, which no one should have to experience. Everyone should be treated the same for whoever we are, and we should celebrate that. Whether it is their sex, or what sex they love, we are all human.

  2. this article is very worrying because people decide their choice of who they want to be who they are. and other people will not appreciate their choices.

  3. Us as humans must realise that we are all different, a different race, a different gender, with different sexualities. Us as a world need to celebrate this fact, not reject it.

  4. This article is evidence that the UK as a community is not doing enough to stop sickening things like this.

  5. This is terrible and outrageous

  6. I think that it is sad to think that people are being treated this way and people should not behave in such a horrific way. everyone should be treated the same no matter what because we are all humans and are all as equal as each other.

  7. It's terrible that even in today's world LGBT's are treated with such disrespect and that other people think that they can treat them differently because of that.

  8. i have heard about this story on the news
    it isnt right people. should be appreciated for who they are


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