Poem: All in the Mind

by Alex Porter

Trampled by guilt,
Like being trampled underfoot,
By gunning down the innocent,
Covering them with red paint,
Piling on top of each other like rubbish

Over the dunes we went,
Not knowing what awaited,
Except for death,
Screaming and crying,
As we shot our weapons,
Clouds of smoke,
As my friends looked at me,
I smiled and said,
‘It's alright’,
Cool and calm
But in my head,
I was frightened,
And overcome with terror,

As the ship arrived,
Full of soldiers,
Smiling and waving,
I looked to my mother,
In pure delight,
Oh dear Mummy what a wonderful sight,
She smiles at me,
As I did at her,
That’s the army,
She said with a grin,

I can’t hold still,
I'm messed up real bad,
If I could just blank it out,
Just for one day,
No one can comprehend,
What we have been through,

If someone would look at me,
In a funny way,
I would attack,
Out of rage,
Show them how I feel,
As I could've said a thousand words,
But I just punch them right in the mouth,

We go in together,
We go out alone.
