by Libby Young
For the youth of today, aspirations for the future are never
far from our minds. A popular aspiration is to become successful- but what does
this entail? In today’s society, where constant glimpses of celebrities’ lives
repeatedly show almost parallel worlds of lavish ostentation, the indications
of true success are commonly perceived to include excessive wealth and power.
However, not everybody is able to achieve these standards. Indeed, the ideas of
wealth and power could hardly exist if they were achieved by everybody due to
their comparative nature. Yet the millions of people who do not reach these
levels are not and should not be considered “unsuccessful”- indeed they may be
better off than those at the top.
Due to our tendency to equate wealth with success, many
stumble into the trap of attempting to work themselves to the bone in order to
satisfy their goals. Whilst drive is certainly an important attribute, too much
can be detrimental. Bronnie Ware, a palliative nurse who counsels the dying in
their last days, compiled a list of the most common deathbed regrets. According
to her study, the second most common regret was working too hard, with many
expressing the wish to have instead spent more time with close family and
friends. Out of the top five, there were no references to wishes for more
wealth or more power, only desires to have been truer to oneself and to have
maintained social interaction. One thought provoking regret was the simple wish
to have let oneself be happier.
Moreover, whilst it appears that wealth ceases to become
important in life’s final days, it may also be true that only a certain amount
is necessary to feel content throughout the majority of a lifetime. Many people
idolise the extravagant lifestyles of the few, and daydream about a life spent
without difficulty. However, research has suggested that although households
with higher incomes were considered “happier” (happiness being difficult to
quantify) than those with lower ones, there does exist what is known as the
“comfortable standard”. Once this level of wealth has been achieved, earning
additional income did not lead to additional levels of happiness.
In addition to this, there are the challenges that a life
spent saturated with every desire presents. Many are familiar with the tale of
the sword of Damocles: a wealthy and powerful king offers a man the opportunity
to live his luxurious lifestyle, on the condition that a sword is suspended
above the man's head by a single horsetail hair. Eventually, the unrelenting
danger causes the man to beg to be released. Although a classical tale, the
truth of it still remains poignant today- that great power often dangles on the
edge of a great downfall. Indeed, many classical authors seemed to agree with
the sentiment: Euripides wrote in his play Medea:
“Excess brings no benefit to us, only greater disasters on a house, when God is
The purpose of this article is not to promote an idle
lifestyle with no aspirations: dreams filled with glory and riches can offer a
healthy drive and give purpose to life. However, although our society seems
quite adept at recognising the virtues of a life filled with extravagance and
exception, we often seem to forget the values an ordinary life can offer, and
to neglect these simple things may be to neglect our chances of true happiness.
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