by Zita Edwards
This weekend in London, Imperial College showcased their state of
the art facilities, labs, lectures and work from the students at one large
festival. The main focus this year was on robotics and biology and lecturers
Professor Holger Krapp and Dr Mirko Kovac combined the two perfectly. These two
combined their expertise and interests in separate fields to produce better
engineered flying robots and also understand the natural engineering that
occurs in biology of flying animals. The main concept was stability, when you
look at how various species of fly take off and approach certain surfaces they
all act in unique ways. For example, there was one species of fly that
somersaults completely whilst taking off; whilst we don’t plan on making flying
drones complete unnecessary stunts like these, the small manoeuvres of the
fly’s wings provide a useful insight into efficient take-off and landing. The
conventional drone structure that we see in commercial drones consists of a few
propellers in a quadcopter style arrangement, this is for stability but doesn’t
have much resemblance to nature’s design for flying animals. When looking for
inspiration at jet fighters and flies they are both very streamlined and agile,
however the jet fighter isn’t as stable. When looking a slow motion recording
of a hoverfly, you can see that it keeps its head completely level even when
the body is rotating with angular velocities of 5000 degrees per second. Thus,
if we are going to adapt some of nature’s engineering into our drone designs we
may be looking at smaller, streamlined drones hovering through the air like an
Throughout the robotics exhibition there were many projects
focused on the way in which flies can help us understand how to develop better
technology in UAVs. Behind the commercial hype of drones there are many with
specific uses: drones that could possibly create structures; drones that could
detect where they are needed, for example detecting a forest fire and
delivering aid before it is instructed to do so; drones that could even
possibly deliver parcels, a concept not so far-fetched with projects such as
Amazon Prime Air being developed. The key to creating these efficient drones is
reducing the computing time. A fly uses its compound eyes to decipher how to move
its wings and create an image of its surroundings. Whilst many people may think
the compound eyes create a high definition image which provides more
information to the fly, the images of the fly’s surroundings are actually of
very poor quality, partly down to the fact the flies want to use this
information quickly. The fly’s sight is much more focused on field of view and
depth, viewing an optic flow image almost in some kind of vector field
where the fly’s actions can be understood by the distorted areas due to motion.
As an animal walks it seems their surroundings are moving around them, in a
drone where multiple still images are pieced together this takes a lot of
computation time, if a drone were to capture images like a fly focussing on
depth and direction, the computer in the drone would use less energy and less
The fast development of UAVs in recent years has fascinated us all
and the increasing list of their uses is impressive, but the main limitations
to all of them seem to be their energy consumption and storage. These robots
are small and therefore can’t carry much energy, neither would solar energy be
enough alone. Drones designed to deliver aid to remote areas are an excellent
proposition but if the drone only has an hour of battery the whole idea is
redundant. The solution isn’t only looking at alternative power sources, but
reducing the power consumption. By looking to nature we can simplify technology
to overcome this barrier, because until drones are redesigned, innovation in
this field can’t continue.
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