by Catriona Ellis
Some thoughts on the explorations
of identity present in the minor characters of Saul Bellow’s ‘Herzog’ and
Sylvia Plath’s ‘The Bell Jar’
The exploration of identity is a preconception at the heart of the novels of Bellow and Plath. Whilst their protagonists, Moses Herzog and Esther Greenwood respectively undergo surprisingly similar transitions and realisations with respects to their essential selves, secondary characters such as Romana, Madeleine and Gersbach in ‘Herzog’ and Jay Cee in ‘The Bell Jar’ also present possibilities for the exploration of identity, be it through their individualism or the fluid and sometimes constructed nature of their characters.
Throughout both novels Esther and Herzog attempt to assert
individuality in society, however both admire role models who embody
individualism. In Bellow’s novel, Herzog respects Romana, his lover, who
“teaches him that the instincts survive and that the private self endures”[1]
and represents the contentment of an assertive individual in society. Although
Herzog still requires an “act” (Herzog 183) and “swagger” (Herzog 183) in order
to present himself socially, he aspires to assert himself in a similar,
individualistic way. Meanwhile Plath shows that for Esther, Jay Cee, her boss,
also appears to be an image of female empowerment: she is the editor of a
respected magazine. Nevertheless, she can also be show to be “the masculine in
female disguise”[2];
Jay exemplifies many conventionally male characteristics, such as the
abbreviation of language into the harsh language of business, (“’Jay Cee here,’
Jay Cee rapped out with brutal promptitude” (Bell Jar 28)), the wearing of a
“strict office suit” (Bell Jar 6) and through her forename, which is typically
masculine. In this way, Jay has not managed to assert her individuality as a
woman in American society to the level that Esther believes she has done
because even though she is successful professionally, she has conformed to a
male-dominated world and suffered a loss of identity accordingly. Thus, when
Esther admires Jay for her professional success, she is actually admiring all
that is masculine and conformist in her boss. Therefore although Esther appears
to want to assert her own individuality, on a subconscious level she may also
believe that as a woman “you must sacrifice your poor, niggardly individuality”
(Herzog 93) in order to succeed in a male dominated world.
Accordingly, Plath and Bellow present the opportunities that can
become available with the assertion of individuality, even if it is derived
from a false-consciousness on the part of Jay Cee; Romana experiences success
romantically and Jay achieves highly in the commercial world of publishing.
However, other characters choose to construct identities, as opposed to
asserting their essential individualities, in order to succeed socially;
Madeleine and Valentine Gersbach both embody different personas, depending on
the company they are in. Herzog describes how, for Madeleine, “conversation was
a theatrical event” (Herzog 112), clarifying theatre as “the art of upstarts,
opportunists, would-be aristocrats” (Herzog 112). The notion of conversation as
“theatrical” implies falseness yet also fluidity with regards to her persona,
leading to the conclusion that identities can be consciously constructed. The
inclusion of the satirical “would-be” suggests Herzog’s disdain for Madeleine’s
constructed aristocratic identity and the deception with which she is treating
herself; Madeleine’s “theatrical” conversation has infiltrated her
understanding of identity and she believes herself to be the construct that she
created. Simultaneously, “theatrical” implies variability in Madeleine’s
character, presenting Bellow’s exploration of freedom of identity. Likewise,
Gersbach consciously hides his affair with Madeleine from Herzog, constructing
two identities: that of the friend and that of the lover. Although his
Christian name, Valentine, foreshadows the romantic part Gersbach plays in the
novel, Herzog is initially unaware of his friend’s other character. Thus, both
Madeleine and Gersbach create dual identities that they are able to adopt in
different situations, confirming Herzog’s own proclamation that his
acquaintances are “actors all” (Herzog 228).
To conclude,
the secondary characters of Plath and Bellow demonstrate a capacity for both
the manipulation of identity and the assertion of individuality. These
characters offer fascinating explorations of the essential self that compliment
the experiences of the protagonists by reminding the reader that almost every
character is undergoing a transformation of identity continuously. Hence the preoccupations
are presented as universal in that they prompt the reader to consider the
notion that individuals are constantly adapting to pressures on their
identities whether they are the protagonists of their own, or anyone else’s,
stories, or whether they are secondary to the primary motive of a plot.
[2] E. Miller Budick, The Feminist Discourse of Sylvia Plath’s the Bell Jar (National
Council of Teachers of English, College
English, Vol. 49, No. 8 (Dec., 1987), pp 872-885) Accessed 7/7/2015
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