How to Motivate Yourself

by Ayesha Gyening

‘Motivation is powerful. It predicts success better than intelligence, ability, or salary.’

Despite exams looming on the horizon, I’m sure I’m not the only one who has been finding it increasingly difficult to stay motivated, especially after a long day at school or at the weekend when all I really want to do is sleep and watch TV. So I thought I would do some research to find the best ways to stay driven.

‘You need to feel to act’: No matter how many times you write a plan, make a timetable or prepare to do something, it has been proven by science that if you’re in a bad mood you’re less likely to do it. According to TIME Magazine, research has shown that happiness increases productivity and makes us more successful, whilst we are more likely to procrastinate if we are in a bad mood.

One way of being more optimistic is to monitor your progress and to set smaller goals that are more achievable and realistic. The feeling of satisfaction gained from completing these tasks will not only make you feel good about yourself, but boost your motivation.

Think of yourself as a motivated, productive person. Research shows how people feel about themselves has a huge effect on success.

Research has shown that rewards are responsible for 75% of personal motivation. Try to keep the end goal in sight. A good tip is to treat yourself after doing some revision or something on your to-do list.
If this doesn’t work, you could always use a ‘commitment device’. For example, give your sibling £20 and if you don’t complete whatever you wanted to do, they get to keep it. Drastic but effective.

Peer Pressure
Surround yourself with people who you want to be and make you want to do better. Try and get them to nag at you to do work when you’re feeling lazy.

Cailin Flora, author of Friendfluence writes:

‘Research shows over time, you develop the eating habits, health habits and even career aspirations of those around you. If you’re in a group of people who have really high goals for themselves you’ll take on that same sense of seriousness.’
