Acknowledging supporters, 1983 (source: BBC) |
Mr Doyle replied that her legacy was the economic progress that the country had made during the 34 years since she was first elected Prime Minister. Only a handful of world leaders, and no British leaders, have had an "-ism" added to their name, Thatcherism denoting a belief in the free market and a small state, with government getting out of the way. Major and Cameron had both failed, which was not Thatcher's fault. He argued that her re-election in 1983 heralded her period of greatest reform between 1984 and 1987, finally ridding Britain of its image as the "sick man of Europe"; he contrasted her effective use of large majorities with the Blair government's failure to use even larger majorities in the 1990s to achieve lasting change. By the end of her time in office, he said, unemployment was down to 2 million and has not been reduced any further since then (due to the mistakes of her successors). She had no choice but to take the measures she did, in the face of the stranglehold of the trade unions that broke the Heath and Callaghan governments in the 1970s. However, she was not only significant in terms of her economic policies (resulting in lower taxes, higher productivity and a reduction of strike action) but was also a transcendent cultural figure, a self-described "conviction politician" with the aim of making Britain a better place, not worried by pollsters or image. She led her Cabinet from the front.
Will Wallace suggested that Mrs Thatcher would have been too ideologically dogmatic to respond effectively to the crisis, that this same rigidity was manifest in her decision to impose the Poll Tax in the late 1980s, punishing the poorest the most, which showed she did not understand working people. He countered arguments that contemporary politicians had no principles by arguing that David Cameron supported gay marriage in the teeth of opposition from his own party. Mr Lemieux wondered whether both Thatcher and Cameron, with poll tax and gay marriage respectively, had miscalculated: Thatcher with the wider electorate, Cameron with his own party members. Will argued that it was a mistake to go to the right and to abandon mainstream voters, which would lead to defeat in 2015.
Douglas Mileham said that leaders needed a goal or risk getting bogged down. Will said that Thatcherite goals would be actively harmful for the current Conservative Party. Mr Doyle said the difference was that Thatcher alienated her Cabinet but kept the loyalty of party members, whereas, with Cameron, it was the other way around, that there was no hope of winning North or South if the activists were demoralised.
Ross Watkins argued that Mr Thatcher's industrial policies in the North were still a political millstone in that region thirty years later. Mr Doyle replied that the coal mines were economically unviable, but agreed with Ross that Thatcher could, in some industrial areas, have taken a slower approach that softened the social impact on local communities. However, he noted that the NUM leaders had been spoiling for a fight and that they had brought down one government already in the 1970s.
Rob Bendell asked Will how he could call Cameron a principled politician when Cameron had referred to himself as "heir to Blair". Will said Blair had been in the wrong party and was actually a Tory; furthermore, Cameron was showing his principles by facing down those members of the party allegedly referred to in certain quarters as "swivel-eyed loonies". He said that there were reactionaries among both Conservatives and Labour who threatened to hold their parties back. Mr Doyle counted 19 U turns by the Cameron government within the first few months in office; furthermore, he argued that Cameron's position on gay marriage was opportunism rather than principle, an attempt to "detoxify" the Tory image. Mr Lemieux said that Thatcher had been a more consultative Prime Minister during her first government, but less so after the Falklands War. Mr Doyle felt that this was because, from 1983, the Cabinet reflected her own choice rather than that of her predecessor.
Tom Harper felt that the future of the Conservative Party was Thatcherite and that Will was swimming against the tide. Will felt that, although her policies had been necessary in the 1980s to create a strong, prosperous economy, society had been left less united because of her tearing up the social fabric. Mr Doyle countered that the nation had been disunited in the 1960s and 1970s, so this was nothing new. Ross Watkins suggested that the poll tax had helped fuel Scottish nationalism and Mr Doyle responded that this was only one issue influencing the rise of nationalism in the 1990s and early 21st century.
The final vote was 8 in support of the motion, 20 against and the remainded abstaining, suggesting that, 30 years after her most significant victory, Thatcher is still seen as an asset for the contemporary Conservative Party.
Left to Right: Mr Doyle, Mr Lemieux and William Wallace All pictures copyright Daniel Rollins 2013 used with permission. |
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