Hackers: Narwhals

The first in our series of works from members of Hackers, PGS's creative writing community:

Image source: worldculturepictorial.com

               They rest under a frozen mirror, cracked
Watch as above a twisted spear rises
               Bastardization of nature
The gnarled handler sits uneasily in a resting palm

               wait now,
the time will come
               Majestic, cresting, crashing through the waves
Lord of the sea, lord of ye rises,
               not an arms length away
stay steady
               get a shot, prised, perfected, that’s all there ever is
One shot

               The ripples of the hunt play below the surface
Dancing for recognition
stay still,
               Sweep with the fragile horn to safety
Stay and hope and pray
               Live another day
chill yet again.

                                                                              Ben Schofield


  1. i think the Narwhals poem is amazing because it really brings out a differant world


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