
Earl Scruggs: Bluegrass Legend

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PGS Pupil Question Time Panel

BBC Question Time at PGS

The Confused World of Rick Santorum

Power Corrupts

PGS Sport: Squash Report

Why A Third Runway Would Be A Disaster

BBC Question Time

Parmenides – (C.515-445BCE)

MDNA by Madonna

Playing Politics with Race

Cash for Access: Reaction to the Scandal

Concentration is the key

Max Jewell's Top Ten Films

The Arsonists: A Review


Hacktivists: In the Name of the Internet

Osborne's Budget doesn't go far enough

A Budget for Working People

Where's the Fairness, Mr Osborne?

Osborne robs the poor to feed the rich

Osborne's Budget is what Britain needs

Why privatise our roads?

Sonik Kicks by Paul Weller

Same Sex Marriage: Undemocratic

Civil Partnerships: Simply not good enough?

Portsmouth Point Poetry: Spring and All

Murderers: is it really their fault?

From My Lai To Panjwai

Caesar on the Ides of March


Home Again by Michael Kiwanuka

‘The Blind Assassin’: A Review

Does what we wear affect how we think?

So, exercise DOES make you use up fat – didn’t we know this before…?

Health and Social Care Bill

Heraclitus (C.535-472 BC)

Max Jewell's Top Ten Films