Poem: The Newspaper on the 13th of June

 by Abriti G

To create my poem, I got read and collated extracts from newspaper headlines on a single day (13th June, 2024) and juxtaposed them in order to create a poem that captured the news that day. News reports and poems are very different in regard to structure, style and purpose, so it was interesting to see the effect, as well as being just a fun thing I did with my friends and. As I felt it was so personally enjoyable and artistically successful, I decided to post it on Portsmouth Point. I think it went well and I would definitely do this again if I find interesting headlines. 

high. They say

i am High

but i bElieve it is just my mind


i was boRn to be high

i will fOrever be high


they disAgree

they say they will put me 

on a murDer trial

if i don’T give up my crOwn


but i don't want to

it makes me ecstatic 


it makes me feel young

tHey told mE to get botox

botox? reaLly?


wiLl I go home?

She will be there

i am the PotAssium king

she is my Valium quEen


Do not leave me snoW woman

I wanT your Hand in marriage 

and in COCAINE.
