Poem: Children of Gaza

by Maya C

The author reading her poem
at a ‘Come Dine for Palestine’ event, 
attended by over 70 people. 

Oh children of Gaza

How strong you are

From every home being destroyed, even every plaza

These horrorful events will leave a permanent scar

My heart breaks hearing the sound of the families cry

On the distressing videos seen online

And to this moment I can't help wonder why

Why so little is being done, and when people try

The hierarchy will just defy

This sorrowful genocide

Destruction everywhere

Should we really let it slide and be justified?

Little food and water- it's an awful nightmare

Except this is one is real

And won't end until we help the country heal

The echoes of silence

You may feel there's nothing we can do

We may be far but remember the skill of appliance

We can all unite, even you


This message is relayed to you

To continue the cycle of awareness

Keep on helping through and through

And we can help stop this genocide, put an end to this unfairness.
