by Narina Dalali
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Image by Matt Hrkac, Geelong / Melbourne, Australia |
Protests have been going on for over a month in Iran and across the world to change the religious government and to have democracy in the country again. It all started with a girl named Mahsa Amini, A normal girl going to university who was tortured, and then killed by the Iranian morality police for not wearing her head scarf 'properly'. She was not the first and not the last; over 400 people have been killed, many of them being children. How can anyone accept the killing of an innocent person, let alone children who are standing up for their BASIC rights? 15,000 have been detained in prison and 12 are on the line for the death sentence, which, believe it or not, still exists in the 21st century in a country which claims to have democracy.
The dictators have stopped internet connection, which cuts off Iran from the outside world in a attempt to cover up their ruthless killings. The government are killing students from the top universities; these universities are some of the hardest in the world to get into. How could a regime kill the assets of their country: the future doctors, lawyers, and engineers?
The fate of Iran will be determined by the fearless women, men and children who have been standing up to the regime for decades — but this fight is not theirs alone; we, as other countries with access to social media and other resources, need to spread the word to stop these killings by the corrupt minds of the mullahs.
Older generations might remember the Iran before the revolution, a country full of life, happiness, wealth and fairness. The ShahanShah of Persia Mohamed Reza was our king, an intelligent man who spoke many languages, was educated and who CARED about his people, a country based upon great empires. Iran was the first country in the world to write the first set of human rights laws in the world. The Cyrus Cylinder, a stone-inscribed cylinder, has the world's first set of human rights laws on it.
We went from a nation that set out these laws to be one that is the exact opposite. Iran's revolution was set out as the country was becoming to strong for the West. They worried about Iran being too powerful and rich, and set out to change the government. That was the sad fate that Iran had coming for them from a bright 2,500 year old civilization to a country ran by old mullahs with shameful minds. In a interview right before the Shah was exiled, an interviewer asked him what would happen with the new government; he said “you will see in 50 years what I did and what they have done, This new regime will set back Iran 1,500 years and you will see what I did for the country.”
We want the old Iran back, we need the old Iran back and we need your help. Over the years, I have seen Iran fade in and out of headlines, usually framed around a political shift or the wrangling of a nuclear deal. Yet, we have also seen Iran from the inside, the torture that is happening and it needs to stop now. Five decades are enough.
Last week 238 out of 250 parliament members went along with the execution of 15,000 - yes, 15,000 - protestors held in jail. What normal government person could even imagine such a genocide? 15,000 innocent people will be killed, for what? For protesting for their rights and freedom. Many include musicians, pro-wrestlers and even a famous rapper.
As I said before, the regime is trying to kill the most valuable people, They are trying to kill the fire of the people from the origin, from the protestors. For many years now we have become used to hearing “We are sanctioning Iran”, “We are cutting off resources.”
Not only is this not helping, this is making life every bit more and more difficult for the people. Each time a new sanction is put, the price OF EVERYTHING goes up, food, fuel, meat…….. The sanctions are clearly not stopping Iran's regime, so why do it whilst making the people suffer. UK, USA, and European governments know this very well, since the price of a car is the price of a house, the price of a phone is the price of a car, and the price of clothes is the price of a phone. They know the people are suffering, so why do this? To make Iran go into a deeper and deeper Depression until they turn Iran into Syria 2.0 or Iraq 2.0.
This needs to stop, and what we do need to do is spread the word, Tell councils and governments.
The people in Government is who WE elected, they have power because of the US; why give them power and authority if they don't use it for the right purpose?
Last week during the World Cup the Iranian football team covered their logos and refused to sing the national anthem, It is these types of events of solidarity that make a difference.
It makes me honestly so sad to see my country become worse and worse everyday, When Ukraine was invaded, the whole world, people and celebrities, rushed to help. Why can't the same be done with Iran, my country? Is there any difference? We are all people, people who deserve freedom and the right of speech. So please spread the word, tell people, and make Iran great again.
Thank you.
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