by Nathaniel Gingell
Two years of lockdown
Life is closed but minds are free
Paused for a rebirth
‘He shall not breathe infection in this air’
Today a wicked knave who doth not live.
Of which most will say it is not so fair-
All shall admit just mercy it not gives,
Forcing society’s isolation.
Mental or physical it matters not,
Ruination of many-a nation.
It causes much death, for bodies to rot.
Hope is there but yet is seeming distant,
Moving forward, the finale is getting closer.
The end is in sight; it is existent
Renaissance is near; this is disclosure.
Humanity’s rebirth; Hope it almost devoured,
Men, Women, had survived; Will Not Cower.
*Line 1-Shakespeare quote, Henry VI Part 2, Act 3, Scene 2
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