3 Easy Ways to Become More Eco-friendly

by Fola Odofini

  1. Turn off lights
Most of our electricity comes from non-renewable energy, such as coal, which produces carbon dioxide when burnt.In effect damages the ozone layer.When you leave a room remember to turn off lights, and if you are entering a room ask the question: “Do I need to turn on the light?”

2. 4-minutes showers
We use 17 litres per minute in the shower. An average person would stay in the shower for 8 minute on average. That's 136 litres per shower. If you take a 4 minute shower, not only would you be saving 68 litres but £149.

3. Buy Clothes from a charity/second hand shop
Your t-shirt used 3,900 litres of water to be made.That is 13 bathtubs.If we buy reused clothes we would save more water; furthermore, you would be helping charity funds.
