Academic Nurturing and the Creative Nature

by Anushka Kar

From a young age, most of us are encouraged to fit in every possible extra-curricular activity into our daily routines next to the academic aspect of school and education. But it is noticeable once we are past the stage of simple algebra, we seem to drop these extra-curricular activities because we have to prioritise our academic lives. Creative subjects like music and drama suddenly evolve into something academic too because exams are necessary; you feel obligated so now it’s not something you want to do, almost like a chore. The restrictions; the syllabuses; the rules here and there are needed, but take away the fulfilling purpose of the mind and its creative nature.

As a student who was passionate about music, drama, and art, I have found my interests have suddenly turned to more academic aspects such as English Literature, because this is the way I have been nurtured. I am sure if I had been pushed in the same way towards creativity outside of academics, I would have pursued art in my spare time alongside composing music.

However, I know that there is still an aspect of creativity I have kept- poetry and writing. There is something satisfying about being able to express oneself and communicate through language that can be interpreted in more than one way. The creativity I produce from my own experiences attract different audiences, and perhaps this is one of the aspects I enjoy most, because I cannot do this through academia- there are certain things you can gain only through the creative nature many of us have.
