by Will Hall
the news being filled up with a countdown to our impending doom, I thought I’d
briefly point out something a little more light-hearted: some of the quirks
that make us British.
1. Tea. Is there anything more clichéd than British people
drinking tea? I don’t think so. Even though I cannot stand the taste of tea,
the seemingly infinite queues in the Sixth Form Cafe for a hot beverage clearly
speaks for itself, which neatly leads me onto my next point:
2. Queuing. This is so normal that I didn’t even realise we did
it until it was pointed out to me, but apparently no other nation is as good at
forming a peaceful queue than us. If you’re heartless enough to feel the need
to jump the queue, you’ll soon know about it from the suddenly not-so-polite
British public…
3. Apologising. Apologising in England is our quirk that
foreigners just don’t understand. We’re at that stage where we apologise for
things that aren't even our fault. ‘Sorry’ is almost used as a greeting when
something is wrong, which makes absolutely no sense, but I guess it makes us
seem polite.
4. Harry Potter. Everybody has read or watched Harry Potter,
there’s no denying it, and everybody loves it. Tell someone you don’t, and
you’ve just got yourself into an argument.
5. The weather. Why we are obsessed with this conversation
topic I do not know, but we definitely are. This seems particularly prevalent
in the Summer months around school, or is that just the pupil body’s despair at
the lack of air conditioning? Mr Priory, hear our prayers.
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