by Sophie Whitehead
Wear a rubber band around your wrist. This is definitely one of the
most weird strategies I’ve ever heard of but apparently you can social
condition yourself to becoming less perceptible to stress by simply flicking
the band everytime you feel yourself tensing up. Eventually, you will
theoretically associate feelings of stress with a pinch, making you
subconsciously try to avoid the feeling. Some people might say this one is a
stretch (pun intended), but it has a solid rationale behind it. Psychologist B. F. Skinner developed operant
conditioning by first testing the theory on rats; he would place a rat in a
box, and if the rat touched one button he would be rewarded and if he touched
the other he would be punished. Overtime the rat learnt to touch one button to
receive the treat over touching the other button and getting a punishment. In
this instance of reducing stress via a rubber band snatch, punishment is used
instead of reinforcement, so the idea is that we withdraw from a behavior or
emotion in order to avoid an unpleasant stimulus.
Up the intake of OJ. That’s right, apparently two glasses of Orange
juice a day are chemical stress reducers by lowering levels of stress hormones,
such as cortisol. I guess you could start saying ‘orange you glad you’re not stressed
Think about investing in some chewing gym next time you’re in the
shops. Although sometimes controversial, chewing gum has repeatedly been seen
to have stress reducing effects; in fact in a 2008 study conducted by Andrew Scholey, Ph.d,
participants who regularly chewed gum demonstrated lower levels of anxiety,
increased alertness, reduced stress and improvement with multi-tasking.
Make oatmeal your new best friend. Although every one knows its not
exactly bad for you in any way, the exact benefits of some of these super foods
can sometimes be hard to find. Well here they are: The magnesium and potassium
in the breakfast snack can actually lower blood pressure, making you feel more
relaxed and on top of that, regular oatmeal consumption can boost your
serotonin levels, making you generally just a happier, more chilled out person!
…And no I don’t mean protect yourself from a
nuclear bomb, a terrorist attack or even a zombie apocalypse (although all such
things seem to be becoming a closer and closer threat!) If you want advice on
the latter I suggest buying ‘SAS Survival Guide: How to Survive in the Wild, on
Land or Sea (Collins Gem)’ which totals at roughly £5 from Amazon, or other
similar stockists. It’s a brilliant guide and could well inform my next
article, but with focus to the here and now; this article is instead focused on
something far closer in scale to our everyday lives - how to survive the stress
of exams.
Now, many of you will know and will have no
doubt read hundreds, if not thousands, of articles focusing on ‘dealing with
stress’ ‘not letting stress overtake your life’ ‘how to fight and combat
stress’ etc etc all which are much the same and to be fair, most people know
how to deal with stress by the time you are taking GCSE’s or A Levels; afterall
no one is living a perfect, hassle free. A latest survey conducted by NeuroBliss saw
results that surveyed more than 1,200 Americans aged 18 and older, where 76% of
Americans said they spend at least half their day-to-day life stressed out, and
only 9% are happy during their average workday.Yet I thought with approaching
deadlines for coursework (IB’ers I’m looking at you!) looming exams for the
GCSE’ers and A Level’ers alike, what could be more perfect than yet another
article which aims to put a few minds and hearts at ease through a short and
sweet, painless method of stress free reduction.
Firstly, stress - what is it? The dictionary
definition of stress is a specific response by the body to a stimulus, as fear
or pain, that disturbs or interferes with the normal physiological equilibrium
of an organism. To cut a long story short, the physiological and psychological
process of stress is one which can interfere with your every day life by making
you more susceptible to worry and doubt your own decisions. This obviously is
not ideal when you are placed in an environment which needs a confident and
articulate attitude; such as that of exam time. Stress effects people in all
different ways and can manifest itself in an entirety of situations. People can
eat less; eat more; turn to alcohol to combat their inhibitions; become
reclusive or try and fight it completely by throwing in the towel and
attempting not to care at all. The problem with stress is that it is something
that everyone will face thousands of times in their life, even if you are not
someone who usually gets affected by it, there will most probably be one time
when you need something to go well, and panic about making it right. It is thus
important that we try and target it early so that later on in life we have an
easy remedy to feel good again. So, with that in mind, here are my top tips on
how to stay as calm as possible in the run up to the summer, as well as being
the most prepared.
1) Clean your diet. It sounds cheesy. It
sounds stereotypical. But honestly if you swap the box of Maltesers and Creme
Eggs by the side of your desk for something slightly more vitamin friendly,
you’ll feel so much better by the end of the day. So many people slave away at
their desks in the run up to exams (and I am no stranger to this myself) which
can leave you feeling fat and slobbish. Thus often you stress about
trivialities, like how you’re going to feel by the time it gets to summer which
only adds to the original stress of the actual exams you have to sit before you
get there! If you kick out the rubbish, you’ll only have one less thing to think
about plus superfoods, such as apples, avocados or even olives for example,
only get that brain spurring on faster which helps with memory reception too.
You kill two birds with one stone.
2. While we’re on the health grind, try and do a little exercise every
day too. It doesn't have to be much, you don't have to run a marathon or cycle
a triathlon but helping take the dog out or swinging the mower around the lawn,
gets the heart racing just a little bit and really does clear the mind, leaving
you much more receptive to learn more as well. Studies have shown that exercise
can in fact improve your academic performance. To condense a complicated
process; exercise stimulates the production of Brain Derived Neurotrophic
Factor, which increases learning by stimulating neurone growth. It also
improves stem cell production in the hippocampus, which in turn enhances
memory. Plus, no one ever felt worst off after coming back from a leisurely
stroll so give it a go and I promise you it will clear the head ready to face
whatever is coming.
3. Take time out. Don’t spend all your time
with the books, however tempting it might seem. Constantly struggling through
when your mind is dalliancing on a completely different subject is not
successful revision. Far better to take an hour to yourself, fill it with
whatever you love to do and return feeling more refreshed and ready to begin
again. Take time to see your friends, go out, hit the town or even read a book
that ISN’T on the recommended assigned book list. Seriously take some time out
for yourself and you’ll find your sessions far more productive so that stress
becomes a dear friend rather than a hated foe.
4. Shower. Cleanliness remains very
important throughout the stressful times. A simple shower or bath will wash
away (physically if not mentally) any signs of debris that stress has caused,
leaving you if not feeling temporarily better…definitely smelling it! Cold
showers are great for clearing the head if you can stand them whilst a hot bath
can soothe aching muscles from sitting all day in a chair.
5. Sleep! It seems so obvious and yet it is something that almost goes
out of the window when exams are approaching and you are about as stressed as
you have ever been in your entire life. A perfect optimum for sleep is 8-10 hours
- less than that and the brain wont be able to focus as you’ll be sleep
deprived but more than that and you can start to lose perception or feel
overtly drowsy throughout the day. In periods of really acute stress, try and
go to bed at a reasonable hour so you can wake up earlier to begin the day. If
theres one thing I’ve found is that most things look better on a clear head and
about everything looks worst on a tired one, so grab some sleep and hopefully
even the worst situation will look more optimistic than first thought.
So with the more obvious examples now explored,
how about the slightly more strange ways that you can avoid getting too
stressed in the run up to summer.

So with that all said, I wish everyone the best
of luck in whatever stressful, or rather now hopefully not as stressful,
pursuit they wish to endeavour and at the end of the day, as a wise caribbean
man once told me, remember…we are all too blessed, to be stressed.
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