by Jack Rockett
With the presidential election coming up this year and
the primary elections already underway, I have decided to research what each
presidential candidate is saying that they will do to help people on the autism
spectrum if they win the election. The past for Autism in the United States
hasn’t been very good and it is one of the many things that it scores low on
amongst other developed countries. however there are some people in the USA who
do have more of a positive attitude to the Autism Spectrum but they are
generally hidden by parents who say that their child has been ‘taken away from
them’, and that ‘it has been devastating’, and see the whole concept of Autism
as all negative.
Since Barack Obama assumed office in 2008, he has only
passed two laws that aim to help people with Autism despite being a Democratic
president. These were the CARES act and the ABLE act but they both only focused
on having money to fund services and not receiving the help directly and the
CARES act focused too much on Autism research which is superfluous if the main
goal is to help those on the Autism Spectrum. However, this issue has been
overshadowed by the far more important problems in the USA that still persist
today such as gun crime, no free public health service and police corruption
meaning that the main help has been provided by charities.
Unfortunately, the most prominent Autism charity, Autism
Speaks, believes we must try to ‘cure’ Autism or at least supress the
differences that people on the Autism Spectrum inherently have to effectively
eliminate Autism from the world. Due to this charity's high dominance, many
Americans support them in an attempt to feel like they are helping even though
only 30% of the money raised goes towards programs to help people with Autism
of which most is pointless research. Also the US places far too much emphasis on
the parents of only children on the Autism Spectrum instead of the people on
the Autism Spectrum of all ages. This means that usually parents receive money
to buy services so it is easier for them to raise their children instead of the
very people on the Autism Spectrum receiving help in order to be able to
integrate into society.
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Hillary Clinton (image: PBS) |
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Bernie Sanders (image: Wiki Commons) |
Like with most things, the Republican Party are
incredibly behind on this issue and the only presence that autism has had in
the Republican debates is when they were discussing whether vaccinating
children should be compulsory or not. Although no scientific evidence has
proven that vaccinations cause autism, not all republicans are able to agree
that the two things are mutually exclusive most notably Donald Trump. Even
though vaccines don’t have any negative effects, Donald Trump still tried to
bag in on a story about the baby of one of his employees. Apparently this
beautiful baby received their MMR vaccine and afterwards was very ill and then
it was discovered that they were on the Autism Spectrum. He tried to claim that
due to pharmaceutical companies ‘pumping vaccines into children like
tranquilizers into horses,’ it is destroying them. He made it sound like Autism
is terrible and that their child is no longer beautiful. Luckily his opponent
Ben Carson, who unfortunately isn’t that much better though, stepped in and
stated that there is nothing wrong with vaccines and that they prevent life
destroying illnesses although his response was only tepid and he later agreed
that it would be better to put less vaccines into children over a longer period
of time. However, this wouldn’t yield any benefits and would lead to the
continued rise of Measles is American schools as children won’t be protected
until later in life.
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Donald Trump (image: Wiki Commons) |
Across the other thirteen candidates from the Republican Party,
most agree that vaccines are important but they all say that the state should
control this law or that it must be up to the parents. Luckily no other
candidate has tried to champion that there is a link between Autism and
Vaccines but neither has any candidate made any plan of doing something to help
those on the Autism Spectrum, not even Ben Caron who is a retired neurosurgeon.
For me, the best candidate is Bernie Sanders and even though Hillary Clinton is the first ever candidate to make a whole program specifically for Autism, I disagree with her continued support for unnecessary Autism research. Bernie Sanders is only planning to spend money on making sure that funding for services for those on the Autism Spectrum are met and increased but has no plans for Autism research. Also his policies respect people with all types of disability and difficulty making it more universal. Along with this, I find Bernie Sanders more honest as he only accept individual donations and Hilary Clinton has been accepting too much campaign funding from large corporate businesses. As for the Republican Party, I’ve never had any belief in any of the candidates that much and their lack of Autism awareness has only strengthened my dislike for it.
For me, the best candidate is Bernie Sanders and even though Hillary Clinton is the first ever candidate to make a whole program specifically for Autism, I disagree with her continued support for unnecessary Autism research. Bernie Sanders is only planning to spend money on making sure that funding for services for those on the Autism Spectrum are met and increased but has no plans for Autism research. Also his policies respect people with all types of disability and difficulty making it more universal. Along with this, I find Bernie Sanders more honest as he only accept individual donations and Hilary Clinton has been accepting too much campaign funding from large corporate businesses. As for the Republican Party, I’ve never had any belief in any of the candidates that much and their lack of Autism awareness has only strengthened my dislike for it.
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