by Dodo Charles
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Ruby Rose (image source: Huffington Post) |
The notion of the gender binary has recently become ever
more present within societal discussions, as famous actors and musicians no
longer conform to such rigidity. You simply have to look at the Internet’s
response to Ruby Rose coming out as gender-fluid, to see an influx in
acceptance and diversity. For those who
don't know who Ruby Rose is, all you have to do is Google, and no doubt it will
come up with a selection of memes, and girls screaming about their ovaries
bursting… She’s quite hot… (Not that we should objectify people, but dayum.) I
mean, look at the picture on the left. However, is the binary a necessary
essential? Or can we rid ourselves of it as an archaic concept within our
modern, revolutionary (in regards to gender and sexuality) society?
The simple answer, in my opinion, is that to simply say yes
or no is too reductive an argument. It would be like banning marmite on the
principle that a few people don't like it- please don't ban marmite, it’s
great. So why do I hold such views? Let’s take a few moments to answer that- I
have three main points and considerations:
banning the binary actually cause more damage than benefit? Whilst this may
seem counter-intuitive to some, hear me out on this one. I know first hand how
important fighting for an identity is; being gay has been a rollercoaster tour
of fighting to be accepted for being me. Therefore, shouldn't we consider what
damage it might do to people if we remove the concept of the binary altogether?
The Queer Theory argument for getting rid of the binary altogether comes with
flaws. Firstly, it's not accessible unless you're a scholar. Secondly, and most
importantly, it reduces people of an identity. For those who are trans and have
fought hard to be accepted for their own identity is it right, or fair to then
strip them of it? You wouldn't try and renounce people for claiming their own
sexualities, so why should this apply to gender?
is a very Western notion. If we are
to ban the binary, shouldn't it be universal? Yet, other cultures have no
qualms with keeping the strict assumptions of the binary, but merely bending
the societal expectations that come with it. In Kenya, it is not uncommon for
tribesmen to perform a cross-dressing ceremony to welcome their youth into male
adulthood. This leads to my third point:
3 Are
people’s issues with the binary actually due to societal expectations?
Personally, I would suggest that it is not that the binary needs to be banned,
rather that it needs to be redefined, so that it is less distinct, and that is
not to say that their shouldn't be crossovers between the two sections. In my
opinion, the fault lays less with the binary, and more society’s assumptions of
what the binary should consist of. Perhaps if we redefined the binary, we could
reduce the need to ban the binary.
So, whilst these are simple musings, and frankly with a lack
of philosophical backing (I don't want to be done by the IB for plagiarising my
own work…), I hope that it at least sparks some debate in regards to the
concept of the binary, and of what work society might need to do. And hey,
perhaps, we will progress forwards to a place where we no longer need to even
define the concept of the binary. To put on my feminist hat metaphorical speaking of course, people, I’m always a feminist, I
don't have a feminist hat, it’s just a figure of speech, as we progress out
of a patriarchal society, maybe there will be a shift in the binary naturally,
as women further transcend beyond being housewives, and men are allowed to cry.
On which note, I leave you with this:
Is our problem with the concept of the gender binary, or the
attitudes of the society within which we live?
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