
Mindfulness 3: Body Scan

Photography: Light Amidst Darkness

Poem: 'Isolation’

How to Cope with Self Isolation and Social Distancing

Should All Drugs Be Decriminalised?

Photography: T Rex

Shakespeare Meets James Bond: Baz Luhrmann's 'Romeo and Juliet'

Photography: Skyscrapers of Grass

Books I've Been Meaning to Read - And Now Have The Chance To

Poem for the Times: 'Sanctuary'

Healing the Earth: Hope Amidst Fear

Mindfulness 2: Waterfall

Poem for the Times: 'The White Peace'

Is 'King Lear' Unendurable? A Discussion

Poem for the Times: 'Spring and All (By the road to the contagious hospital)'

Silent Cities

The Significance of Eye Contact

American Civil War: Why the North Won

Photography: Spring Daffodils

Mark Rothko: Incredible and Ingenious Artist

Photography: Garden Life

Poem for the Times: 'Unusually Warm March Day, Leading to Storm’

Poem for the Times: 'MCMXIV'

Mindfulness: Mountain Meditation

It's an AI World

Architecture and Engineering in the Future

HMS Rodney: Celebration of the Battleship

Art : 'Hare'

The Historic Transformation of the Conservative Party

Royal Marines Offer Lessons in Meeting Challenges

How Reading Can Decrease Stress

Art of the Apocalypse

Ekphrastic Poetry: 'De Koning van Thule'

Jungle Warfare’ (1965-68) in the Vietnam War

The Disguised Dutch Monopoly: ASML

3 Easy Ways to Become More Eco-friendly